Panama City, Panama, living in Panama, life in Utopia, blue skies, tropical weather, humidity, heat, sweltering hot


There’s a lot on my mind – most of the time. I spend a lot of time in my head when it’s not in the clouds.

Writing is one of the ways I bring myself back down to earth. I can write my way through emotions and situations, finding a creative way to be curious about solutions.

So, this is my blog about what I think is the good, the bad and the ugly about life. And in this blog, I am not pulling punches or trying to be politically correct. It may offend some people. My writing style, in particular, may offend some: mainly when I write about #altnews and #altfacts and include my opinions regarding an #altreality that I would love to see in the world.

This is where I dare to share my memes, my short stories and creative writing, and my midnight musings about what might be different in the world. It’s also where I refine my thoughts about mBraining.

I make no apologies for what I say – it’s what I was thinking at the time. In fact, it might not be my actual thinking at all – just musings at the time.  

I used to consider myself a cynic: a disillusioned idealist. As I mature, perhaps a better description would be a healthy sceptic. I believe that there is power in asking the right questions.

This is just where I come to clear my head by putting all my random curious and creative contemplations on the page.