I think I've had about all I can take, but wait, there's more

Laughter is the best medicine, and I’ve been creating it!

I hadn’t realised how prolific I have been creating and sharing memes, until I sat down to prepare this post. Oops.

Maybe more writing and less memes.

Possibly. Or not.

But, whatever is happening in life, I prefer to laugh about it. That includes making fun on myself and life situations. As someone who has spent the last 20 years living with Celiac Disease & Ulcerative Colitis, I can tell you the irritability is real!

I spent years thinking I was going mad, feeling irritable “for no reason at all”. It turns out that irritability is one of the many symptoms of undiagnosed celiac disease!

inflamed gut, ans, mad

Now, if I ever start feeling irritable “for no reason” – I recognise that I need to have a closer look at the food packaging of what I ate or what I assumed was “gluten free”. Because it’s most likely an inflamed gut!

The only kind of crown I need!

my dentist said I needed a crown

Thankfully, no crowns required at this moment in time. But I might go shopping anyhow!

This last week – we’ve all been shaken!

stuck inside a snow globe

Yes, it feels a little crazy.

How are you doing this week?

Could you please define normal?

be yourself, be normal, blow me

I no longer strive to pretend to be normal.

I’m “the same, but different”.

I can’t even say I’m neuro-divergent – although, who knows, perhaps I am.

All I know, is I’m learning to be me: a kind and compassionate me. But me. I don’t need to please anyone else or live by other people’s rules and expectations.

My guiding light now is simply kindness – screw being “nice and normal”.

The Roaring WTFs…

Roaring twenties, roaring 20s, 2020s

Heading into 2020 II… and each month brings it’s own challenges. It feels like a repeat of 2020 when every month brought a new disaster.

My pronouns: Facetious

Yes, I am sarcastic, cynical and jaded. Sometimes.

I am and have always been facetious! In fact, it’s a word I well remember from my childhood… mum in particular chiding me, regularly and constantly.

So, I do take a serious subject and make a joke out of it. All. The. Time.

no fucks left to give, wish a mf would, are you kidding me, just try me

I am a Divine Being of Light

There are days when I think I’m just an ATM machine, hotel staff and cook.

my daughter treats me like a goddess, she totally ignores my existence until she wants something

What is the definition of “tragic”?

Gotta love the English language and spelling!

spelling, phlegm

I learn the hard way…

Really, don’t we all?

I would to say I learn best by reading and studying, but life’s biggest lessons have been my own mistakes. What is particularly unsettling is that those patterns and habits that used to work so well for me in the past and created my success are now exactly what holds me back.

And rather than just learning new ways, I insist on tripping myself up and learning the hard way!

how would you say you learn best, the hard way

My face… every. single. time.

I did not mean to make that face out loud

How do you look at life?

the 2 ways I look at life

It seems people have been talking

I don't understand why there's someone out there spreading rumours about me, sarcastic, dark, difficult person, potty mouth, a constant fucking delight

And remember kindness!

be kind

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